Myth busting: Invisalign



Within any field, there’s always myths and misconceptions surrounding it… And that’s no different with orthodontics.

So let’s go through some of the myths tied to one of the most innovative and popular appliances on the market right now: Invisalign.

Myth 1: You cannot treat complex cases with Invisalign

Although other treatments like metal braces are far more effective at straightening severely crooked teeth, Invisalign can fix certain problems. Now it will greatly vary depending on the case and the patient’s needs, so make sure to book a consultation before you decide to go ahead.

Myth 2: Invisalign treatment is shorter than braces

The two appliances work at roughly the same speed. But as we mentioned above, and how orthodontics works generally, it depends on the severity of the case.

Myth 3: Children can’t have Invisalign

While Invisalign is typically used for adults, there’s no rule book to say children can’t have it. The reason why it might not be so common though is because you can’t get Invisalign treatment on the NHS.

Myth 5: I can use any clear aligner treatment and get the same results

While you may be thinking you could save a few pounds opting for mail order braces, it’s not always the wise choice. The most obvious reason being you have no expert monitoring your progress. At Northenden House, we’re with you from start to finish. Guiding you through your initial consultation, taking x rays, ensuring each tray fits just right and making sure you’re more than happy with your finished smile.

We hope this blog has answered some of your questions and settled some nerves around the truth of Invisalign. It’s a life changing treatment that we couldn’t recommend more to our patients. If you’re interested in a consultation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Either drop us a call on 0161 884 1481 or visit our website to fill out our form.

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  • Mohammad Malik
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