Blog — brace aftercare


How to look after your braces while self-isolating 0

Are you currently in a situation where you are unable to come in for any brace care due to having to self-isolate? Well fear not, we have come up with a few tips on how to look after your braces during self-isolation.

How Do You Clean Twin Block Braces 0

Twin Block Braces | Cleaning Braces | Manchester Orthodontics

A twin block brace is made up of two removable braces which need to be worn together at all times but how do you clean them?

How long can Teeth Retainers last? 0

Fixed Teeth Retainers | Manchester Orthodontics

Your braces may be history but retainers are forever. If you weren’t aware of this fact, sorry but it is true. If you have had orthodontic treatment you should wear a retainer not just after your braces are removed but for the rest of your life. How long do these retainers last? Well, it depends on what type you decide to go with.

Aftercare Following Brace Treatment 0

Brace Aftercare | Manchester Orthodontics

If you’re here then that probably means you’ve finished your orthodontic treatment. Congratulations! But your journey doesn’t stop here.

Aftercare is so important if you want to ensure your results last for years to come.

We'll be covering oral hygiene, diet and retainers.

6 Things to avoid while wearing braces 0

Things To Avoid With Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

When you have braces it is very important that you look after them to avoid any unnecessary visits to your Orthodontist. With this in mind, we decided to come up with a list of things we warn patients not to do when they have braces. 
