Blog — brace


Celebrities you didn't know had Braces 0

celebrity braces

There’s no need to be self conscious about braces. Why? Because some of your favourite celebrities have had braces themselves! Here’s a list of celebs you might know who have undergone orthodontic treatment at one point or another.

Do I need braces? 0

Do I need braces?

First things first -  what are braces?

Braces are typically used to straighten teeth and correct your bite.

Not only do they achieve a perfect smile, they can also have many oral health benefits too.

Any person of any age can get braces, subject to having satisfactory dental health.

Looking after your metal braces in Summer 0

metal brace care in Summer

As we approach the summer, you might start forgetting about your braces. After all, you want to spend time with your friends and enjoy the sunny weather. But neglecting your braces at any stage can impact your treatment. 

So let’s take care of your braces all year round! Follow our advice below and be one step closer to the smile of your dreams. 

Types of Underbite Correction Treatment 0


As we all know, achieving and maintaining a mouth full of perfectly aligned teeth is a worthy goal as well as a great indicator of your general health. But if you have an orthodontic issue causing your lower teeth to stick out, you may be experiencing what is known as an underbite. The good news? There are plenty of treatment options for your underbite.

What Should I Do With Stained Braces? 0

stained braces

Stained braces are a common problem for many orthodontic patients, often adults have opted for a tooth coloured brace because it is an aesthetic option however the staining can be off putting all beit does not affect the integrity of the brace or how it works.
