Blog — children's orthodontics


Breaking Down the Barriers: The Assumptions about Braces 0

Braces Assumptions  | Northenden House Orthodontics

Before treatment, a lot of patients will make assumptions about what to expect. Some of these will be correct but a lot of times they’re very wrong.

There’s plenty of myths and false facts out there regarding braces and orthodontic treatment. So we’re here to set the record straight and break down the barriers.

Is it Okay to Eat Chocolate when Wearing Braces? 0

Eating Chocolate when Wearing Braces | Nothenden House Orthodontics

Orthodontic braces are appliances used to straighten teeth, correct alignment and help position a person's bite, while also aiming to improve dental health.

There are many different kinds of orthodontic appliances used at Northenden House including metal, ceramic and lingual braces, and also Invisalign aligners. 

Can braces break?

Yes, but only rarely. 

What are the benefits of getting braces as a child? 0

Advantages Of Children's Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

Your dentist usually recommends that your child starts brace treatment when they are around the age of 10 and above and have lost all of their baby teeth. In some cases, your child may be required to start their treatment at an earlier age to help align their growing jaws, this is known as interceptive treatment. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the benefits of having braces as a child. 

How to prepare your children for braces 0

Braces For Children | Northenden House Orthodontics
Once your children have lost all of their primary ‘baby’ teeth, their dentist may recommend they start their Orthodontic treatment. Children starting brace treatment can be as young as 7 or 8. When they’re that young they may not understand why they need to have braces so it is important that, as a parent, you talk them through the process of having braces fitted and the benefits of going through treatment. 

Keep your teeth shining bright this summer 0

 teeth shining bright

In recent years teeth, whitening has become incredibly popular. Everyone is doing it, and there are even companies selling tooth whitening kits online. But with this popularity comes a lot of questions, and most of the time these questions are left unanswered. We are here to go through a few questions and clear up and misconceptions that people have around those pearly whites.
