Blog — finance for orthodontics


Lingual braces vs Ceramic braces 0

lingual braces and ceramic braces

Northenden House Orthodontics has been treating patients for over 40 years.  We have seen patients that really want straight teeth however don’t like the appearance of braces. Luckily for them though, we offer some of the top appliances in the industry that can give them that discreet look. 

In this blog, we want to discuss the differences between lingual and ceramic braces. Both are great options for our patients but with quite a few dissimilar characteristics. 

How to speed up the orthodontics process 0


Orthodontics can fulfil your dream of a straight and aligned smile. But it’s not just the job of your orthodontic consultant to get you that perfect smile, you also play a part. If you don’t take care of your teeth and braces properly, you could slow down the progress of your new smile. Neglecting good oral care could lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Celebrities you didn't know had Braces 0

celebrity braces

There’s no need to be self conscious about braces. Why? Because some of your favourite celebrities have had braces themselves! Here’s a list of celebs you might know who have undergone orthodontic treatment at one point or another.

The Benefits of Early Orthodontics Treatment 0

Early Orthodontics Treatment benefits

It’s best to spot any problems within your child's developing mouth early so you can start treatment sooner before they turn into long term problems. Early prevention also means you can access treatment on the NHS, making it a much more affordable option for families.

Can I get Braces for Free? 0

Braces Cost | Can You Get It Free? | Northenden House Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment is a life changing process that can not only alter your physical appearance but it also has a bunch of health positives too. Straight teeth and correct jaw alignment can allow for better chewing and digestion of food while also easing pressure on your teeth, gums and jaw muscles.
