Blog — invisalign aligner


Keep your Invisalign crystal clear this summer 0


Now you have decided on which orthodontic appliance to go for we want to help you progress through treatment with sparkling teeth and crystal-clear Invisalign aligners. Clean teeth and healthy gums enable the teeth to move quickly as they won’t be stuck together with calculus (hard calcified deposits that attach to your teeth).

What are the pros and cons of Invisalign? 0


All braces have a range of benefits and drawbacks so it’s easy to be unsure of which appliance to choose. Invisalign is a great option, which uses new technology to make aligners that are a perfect fit.

Will Invisalign close gaps in between my teeth? 0


If you’re anxious about the gaps in between your teeth, then there are brace treatments available to fix them. It is easy to tell if your teeth are too spaced apart as the gaps will be noticeable. The most common gap we see is the gap between the top front teeth.

The technologies behind Invisalign 0


Invisalign is an advancing technology in the field of braces. It involves having plastic aligners fitted to the teeth in two-weekly intervals, over the course of a few months. This blog is the place to go if you want to learn more about the technologies behind Invisalign.

Everything You need to Know about Retainers 0

Teeth Retainers | Manchester Orthodontics

So let’s say you’ve had your braces on for 2 years, and they’re finally coming off. You’re super excited to have perfect, straight teeth and you can’t wait to show them all off to all your friends. The only problem is, they might not stay like forever as they can move with age. But, thanks to retainers, you can actually keep them straighter for longer.
