Blog — invisible braces


Ceramic braces: Pros and cons 1

Ceramic Braces Pros and Cons | Northenden House Orthodontics

Ceramic braces are one of the Orthodontic treatments that we have available here at Northenden House. Our chosen brand is Clarity™ tooth-coloured braces. They are hidden braces that work in a similar way to metal braces. However, instead of being metal, their brackets are tooth-coloured. 

Will Invisalign affect my speech? 0

Invisalign Braces | Effects On Speech | Northenden House Orthodontics

The Invisalign aligners are clear plastic which is why they are virtually invisible, they are also removable making it less hassle when it comes to eating and drinking. Our patients love Invisalign as they are comfortable to wear and they love how they do not have to sacrifice their diet for the treatment. 

How does Invisalign Technology Work? 0

Invisalign Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

Invisalign is one of the newest orthodontic technologies in the market, but it is still improving all the time. It works by using a series of clear aligners that gradually move the teeth into position. Invisalign works in this way to create a gradual movement of the teeth that will achieve the best alignment and a perfect smile. But how does it work? 

How expensive is Invisalign treatment? 0

Invisalign Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

Invisalign is growing in popularity throughout society as a whole. Many people in the public eye are turning to Invisalign treatment because of its discreet nature. However, it’s not just those in the public eye that are wanting Invisalign but many others who feel the clear, discreet appearance of Invisalign aligners is better suited to a modern lifestyle. 

Travelling with Invisalign 0


Invisalign aligners need to be cared for properly, even when on holiday or travelling. In this week’s blog, we will discuss tips on caring for your Invisalign and keeping them clean whilst on holiday.
