Blog — metal braces


Looking after your metal braces in Summer 0

metal brace care in Summer

As we approach the summer, you might start forgetting about your braces. After all, you want to spend time with your friends and enjoy the sunny weather. But neglecting your braces at any stage can impact your treatment. 

So let’s take care of your braces all year round! Follow our advice below and be one step closer to the smile of your dreams. 

The Upsides and Downsides of Train Track Braces 0

Train track braces are your traditional run of the mill braces. They are the least discreet of the braces we offer, and maybe more difficult to clean than specialty braces or removable appliances, but they have certain upsides as well.

How We’re Staying Connected With Patients at Northenden House 0

Staying Connected With Patients | Northenden House Orthodontics

Although some lockdown restrictions have been lifted and the practice is now open for certain appointments, we might not be able to see everyone.

Read more to find out what we’re putting in place to ensure better communication between us and our patients.

Breaking Down the Barriers: The Assumptions about Braces 0

Braces Assumptions  | Northenden House Orthodontics

Before treatment, a lot of patients will make assumptions about what to expect. Some of these will be correct but a lot of times they’re very wrong.

There’s plenty of myths and false facts out there regarding braces and orthodontic treatment. So we’re here to set the record straight and break down the barriers.

Orthodontic Treatment during Coronavirus FAQ 0

Orthodontic FAQ | COVID-19 | Northenden House Orthodontics

This blog will answer questions like "How can I look after my braces during lockdown?" and "Will my treatment be prolonged if I cannot see my orthodontist?"
