Blog — traditional braces


How does Invisalign Technology Work? 0

Invisalign Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

Invisalign is one of the newest orthodontic technologies in the market, but it is still improving all the time. It works by using a series of clear aligners that gradually move the teeth into position. Invisalign works in this way to create a gradual movement of the teeth that will achieve the best alignment and a perfect smile. But how does it work? 

How can braces affect your facial structure? 0

Adult Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

When we place a brace on the teeth it will straighten the teeth and move them into the position we are hoping to achieve. But it’s also important to note that you can get some beneficial changes of profile and the position of the upper and lower lips from the realignment of your teeth.

How can orthodontic treatment benefit someone with crooked teeth? 0

Crooked Teeth Braces Treatment | Northenden House Orthodontics

Orthodontic braces are an appliance used to correct crowded or crooked teeth, or sometimes a misaligned jaw. Braces are most often used during adolescence, but more and more adults are getting orthodontic braces later in life to straighten their teeth or align their bite. 

Can my child have Invisible braces on the NHS? 0

 Invisible braces

If you feel that you or your child are unhappy with how their teeth look or function your first port of call is your dentist.  If you don’t have a dentist we would recommend registering with one locally so you are able to attend for regular examinations.  Your dentist will then be able to discuss your concerns and identify whether it is an issue that can be corrected by an orthodontist or not.  

Advances within the industry from the BOC 0


As the orthodontic industry changes, especially with the uncertainty of the NHS contracts, practices are striving to finesse their processes. Over the past few years, we have seen the introduction of the intraoral scanners which negate the use of alginate and plastic impression trays. The overuse of plastic is a key topic in today’s news, so by investing in a digital scanner it can be our way of helping the environment.  
