

Tips For Handling Your First Week in Braces 0

first week of braces

Braces are a fantastic piece of orthodontic engineering and can provide you with the smile you always dreamed of. Metal braces, or “train track” braces are traditional braces that consist of small metal brackets which are fitted to the front of your teeth, with a wire running through them, kept in place by a small band which is either elastic or metal.

Other fitted braces include lingual braces and ceramic braces among others and although all are designed dependent on the wearer’s compatibility, all provide different levels of effectiveness and speed of treatment.

If you have just had, or are in the process of having braces fitted, here is a quick guide on what to expect during your first week of wearing them and how to get the best out of your treatment. 

  • Mohammad Malik

Can I Start Orthodontic Treatment While Pregnant? 0

Orthodontic Treatment While Pregnant

Once you’ve found out you’re expecting, it seems there are a million things you’re not allowed to do or are too scared to do, just in case, so you may be surprised to hear that getting orthodontic treatment is not one of them.

If you are considering braces and just found out you’re pregnant, or are receiving orthodontic treatment and have discovered you’re pregnant, you can go ahead and invest in your smile or carry on with your care as you were.

  • Mohammad Malik

What Are Elastics for Braces? 0

brace elastic bands

You may have seen these little elastic bands on others wearing braces and wondered what they are and what they do. You may be thinking about getting braces or in the process of undergoing orthodontic treatment and wonder what they are and if you will need them at some stage, so we’ve put together this article to shed some light on these little bands and if they can be of help in your orthodontic journey. 

These tiny little elastic bands can be of huge help when it comes to your jaw and teeth alignment and help with things like overbite, underbite, open bite, and crossbite. So, let’s take a further look into how elastics could help you.

  • Mohammad Malik

Can I Just Wear My Invisalign at Night? 0

wearing invisalign at night

Invisalign is a popular choice when it comes to straightening your teeth and getting the smile you desire. The hidden brace system is easy to use and almost invisible, meaning it’s great for those who simply want to smile without worrying about their braces showing.

For some people, however, the idea of removing or inserting braces in public is a worrying matter, on top of that, remembering to put them back in after eating can feel too much so the question arises, can I just wear my Invisalign overnight?

Before we answer that question, we need to understand how Invisalign works.

  • Mohammad Malik

These Are Signs That You Need To Get Orthodontic Braces Now 0

orthodontic braces


A great smile can go a long way, especially as your teeth are one of the first things people notice when they first meet you. Sometimes it may be obvious that you or your child needs orthodontic treatment as there are common signs to look out for. However, are there other signs that could indicate someone needs braces?

Let’s explore some of the signs to watch out for that show you need orthodontic braces. 
