How Invisalign Works


Invisalign | Manchester OrthodonticsInvisalign® is one of our most popular orthodontic treatments, correcting crooked, gapped or overcrowded teeth to improve the overall smile. Using a custom-made series of clear aligners, which are similar to mouthguards, Invisalign gradually and gently shifts the teeth back into place.

If you are curious about the process or will shortly be undergoing treatment and want to find out more, please read on for our guide to how Invisalign works:

1. Initial Consultation

This initial consultation is vital as it is where you will meet the orthodontist who will be carrying out your treatment. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your orthodontist and feel relaxed enough to ask any questions you have about your treatment, how it will work, what results to expect and if there is anything you need to do to help ensure the treatment is as effective as possible.

2. The Information Stage

In order to create a customised treatment plan for each patient we need to gather information about the exact positioning of each tooth. We do this through 3D computer imaging, which enables us to get accurate information on how the teeth are moving so that we can provide you with new aligners every two weeks, gradually moving your teeth into the desired position.

3. Receiving your Aligners

Once we have all the initial information we need, your aligners are custom made specifically for you. Invisalign aligners are made from clear plastic, making them difficult to detect from the outside and because they are smooth and comfortable they won’t irritate your cheek and gums as some traditional braces might.

4. Changing your Aligners

As we mentioned in the information stage, the reason for our continual monitoring of your teeth using 3D imagery is so that we can produce new aligners for you every two weeks. This ensures you progress to the next stage of your treatment as each set of aligners will gently move your teeth into the correct position. We’ll even show you your own virtual treatment plan so you can sneak a peek at what the end result will be.

5. Regular Check Ups

Throughout your treatment we will invite you to regular check-ups to monitor the movement of your teeth and ensure that you are maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine whilst wearing your aligners.

We can also provide you with helpful advice to look after your teeth and gums whilst wearing braces to ensure that treatment is as effective as possible and to avoid any complications.

Speak to the team at Northenden House today on 0161 998 2622 or ask at your next check-up about Invisalign treatment.



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  • Mohammad Malik
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