Why adults are choosing to wear braces


Almost 1 million people in the UK invest in orthodontic treatment – particularly braces. Braces are placed on your teeth, and work gradually over time to move them into a straighter position, to give you the perfect smile you have always wanted. There are a range of discreet options available for adults, such as Invisalign®, which uses clear ‘invisible’ aligners instead of the traditional ‘train track’ look.

Wearing braces can have a number of advantages, for example, it can help adjust an overbite or under bite; and can correct protruding, crooked or gapped teeth. From a personal perspective, teeth straightening treatment for adults with clear braces can provide a confidence boost, and this is often why many come forward for treatment.


Socialise Without Having To Worry About Your Teeth

Going to work, and socialising is a big part of life – but if you find that you avoid public gatherings or try to hide your teeth when talking, this could be a sign telling you to seek the advice of an orthodontist. With 99.7% of adults thinking a great smile is an important social asset, it just proves why adult braces are becoming so popular, due to the increase in self-esteem and confidence a straighter smile can give.

Options Available: Invisalign® and Incognito®

One of the most favourable treatments currently is Invisalign®, which uses clear aligners to gradually change the position of your teeth. Invisalign® aligners resemble the appearance of retainers or a mouth guard, so nobody will ever know that you are undergoing treatment. Other options like Incognito® are also available. These are bespoke, lingual braces which are fitted behind your teeth rather than at the front, like you would see with metal braces. Choosing from options like these will reassure you that your treatment will go unnoticed and your smile will begin to improve as treatment continues.

Treatment Periods

Some treatment periods may take longer and this various between patients. It depends on the current positioning of your teeth, and whether a lot of movement is needed. Your orthodontist will be able to give you more guidance on the length of treatment, and will thoroughly assess your teeth to find the best option for you.

Adult braces are more beneficial to your oral health than you may think. For example, they can improve your bite and help you to chew your food better, which is an added benefit. With braces becoming more affordable on a variety of payment plans, you can give yourself the perfect smile.

Northenden House Orthodontics are able to offer adult braces, as well as a number of other orthodontic treatments. If you would like more information, you can give them a call on 0161 998 2622.

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  • Mohammad Malik
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