No Smoking Day 2018 – How Smoking Affects Your Orthodontic Treatment


This year, No Smoking Day falls on the 14th March and the 2018 theme is #TellUsYourWay. Everyone is different, so the idea of the campaign is for people to tell others how they have quit or plan to quit smoking. There are many different ways to approach quitting smoking, so by using the hashtag #TellUsYourWay, people will be able to encourage and help others to find the right way for them to stop smoking for good.

how smoking affects orthodontic treatment

It's well known that smoking tobacco can have many negative effects on your overall health, but did you know just how negatively smoking can affect your orthodontic treatment?

Smoking increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease

Smoking can make the mouth much more susceptible to the build-up of plaque and tartar, as well as other toxins ingested through smoking. Plaque and tartar are amongst the main causes of tooth decay and smoking reduces the amount of saliva generated in the mouth. Saliva contains substances that help to fight the acid in the mouth, reducing the generation of plaque, so the reduction of saliva associated with smoking can mean that tooth decay and gum disease are much more likely.

Smoking can negatively affect your jaw bones

It’s not just the teeth and gums that can be affected by smoking; gum disease can lead to tooth and bone loss. Bone loss can significantly slow down the teeth straightening processes, so you could find yourself wearing braces for much longer than expected. In serious cases, bone loss can also lead to the loss of teeth – bacteria related to periodontitis (gum disease) eats away at the jawbone and the periodontal ligaments that connect the teeth to the bone. When teeth are lost and left unreplaced and untreated, this can lead to further bone loss and potentially more lost teeth.

Smoking causes tooth discolouration

As well as contributing to the generation of plaque and tartar in the mouth, toxins created by smoking also stick to the plaque on your teeth, leading them to become stained yellow or brown. However, it’s not only the teeth that can be stained by smoking -  the clear brackets of ceramic braces or the plastic aligners of Invisalign can also be left looking yellow and unsightly. Whilst clear aligners and ceramic braces provide excellent discreet teeth straightening treatment, when stained by smoking, they are certainly less inconspicuous.

Whilst wearing braces can make it more difficult to clean your teeth, this means that the best possible oral hygiene routine is more important than ever. As well as following our top oral health tips for patients with dental braces, we strongly consider that you take steps to improve your oral and overall health by not smoking. If you have quit smoking or have decided to do so, be sure to share your tips on social media using #TellUsYourWay.

To learn more about orthodontic treatments at Northenden House Orthodontics, be sure to call 0161 988 2622.

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  • Mohammad Malik
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