Blog — fixed braces


Smile your way into the New Year 0

New Year smile | Manchester Orthodontics

Do you go by the phrase, New Year, New Me? Well how about New Year, New Smile! A new year is usually time for lifestyle changes and new diets that people often tend not to stick to. However, orthodontic treatment is permanent* and comes with visible results. Often having a positive psycho social affect too.

Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign 0

Invisalign | Manchester Orthodontics

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear aligner orthodontic system made from state of the art SmartTrack material.  SmartTrack material is designed for comfort and versatility, allowing you to place and remove them with ease. You can continue to enjoy the foods you love the most as you simply remove them for eating, brush your teeth once you are finished and place back over your teeth.  Aligners are usually changed every 1-2 weeks depending upon your treatment plan, treatment duration varies depending upon the complexity of treatment but this can be advised at the clin check simulation appointment.

Feel Good With Hidden Braces 0

hidden braces | Manchester Orthodontics

Happiness you see, braces you don’t.

We want you to feel happy and confident when you smile, so why not consider orthodontics to correct the position of your teeth? We have a variety of semi invisible and invisible appliances to choose from that are designed for comfort and versatility.

What Happens If Your Brace Snaps? 0

metal braces

If you have had fixed appliances fitted whether it be on the front of your teeth or behind your teeth then you will have been given wear and care instructions on the day they were fitted.  

At this point we always advise to check your appliances daily to ensure nothing has come off and any additional items we may have added to the appliance are intact. Breakages can occur for a variety of reasons but the most common reason is that the patient has bitten into something they shouldn’t have.

How To Look After Your Fixed Braces 1

fixed braces | Manchester Orthodontics

Once your fixed brace has been fitted it is essential to take good care of them. This is through thorough brushing and following dietary instructions.

At Northenden House Orthodontics advise that you brush a minimum of three times per day and after every time you have eaten (this includes snacks).  Fixed appliances should be cleaned methodically using an electric or a manual brush, taking care to brush above and below the appliance, not forgetting the biting surface or the side of the tooth without an a

