Blog — underbite


How to figure out whether you have an overbite 0


Without knowing what an overbite is it’s impossible to figure out whether you have one or not, therefore understanding the signs is one of your first steps to diagnosis. An overbite is when your upper front teeth overlap with your lower front teeth. A lot of people have at least a little bit of an overbite, but when it’s severe it can affect confidence and often the function of the teeth. 

Is jaw surgery painful? 0

Jaw surgery

When a bite is too severe to be corrected with braces alone, then jaw surgery will be needed. To some people, the procedure may seem scary but it is usually quite simple. In today's blog, we’re going to discuss a commonly asked question of whether jaw surgery is painful.

Will I need jaw surgery to correct my underbite? 0

Underbite surgery

If you have an irregular bite, you will need orthodontic treatment to correct it, so will you need jaw surgery? Carry on reading to learn whether jaw surgery is the only option available to fix an underbite.

What are Functional braces? 0

Functional Braces

Functional braces are one of the lesser known appliances on the market, which is why we’ve decided to write this blog to educate you on what they are best used for.

What kind of bite do you have: Underbite or Overbite? 0

Teeth Bite | Manchester Orthodontics

 While you may think that every bite is the same, having a misaligned jaw is actually quite common. You can usually tell when your top and bottom teeth don’t meet in the middle when you bite down. This is called an overbite or underbite.
