Blog — hidden braces


3 Benefits of using Incognito 0

incognito lingual braces | Manchester Orthodontics

In this blog we are going to discuss the three benefits that using Incognito braces can bring you. But what are Incognito braces?


Incognito are a type of lingual braces that fit to the inside surface of your teeth for a discreet method of straightening. This makes them a good option for patients who may not like the idea of having visible braces at an older age, due to confidence issues. The orthodontic brackets are made from a gold alloy that is less likely to cause nickel related allergies. The brackets are made specifically to create an exact fit around each tooth, making them an effective type of braces.

Smile your way into the New Year 0

New Year smile | Manchester Orthodontics

Do you go by the phrase, New Year, New Me? Well how about New Year, New Smile! A new year is usually time for lifestyle changes and new diets that people often tend not to stick to. However, orthodontic treatment is permanent* and comes with visible results. Often having a positive psycho social affect too.

Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign 0

Invisalign | Manchester Orthodontics

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear aligner orthodontic system made from state of the art SmartTrack material.  SmartTrack material is designed for comfort and versatility, allowing you to place and remove them with ease. You can continue to enjoy the foods you love the most as you simply remove them for eating, brush your teeth once you are finished and place back over your teeth.  Aligners are usually changed every 1-2 weeks depending upon your treatment plan, treatment duration varies depending upon the complexity of treatment but this can be advised at the clin check simulation appointment.

Choosing Invisalign over ceramic braces 0

Invisalign | Manchester Orthodontics

All the orthodontic appliances offered at Northenden House Orthodontics will do an excellent job at aligning your teeth.  However cosmetically they all offer variances in visibility. 

Invisalign is a clear tray aligner system that is fitted exactly over your teeth. They are completely transparent so your natural tooth colour is visible through them making them a brilliant cosmetic option.

How does Invisalign work? 0

invisalign | Manchester Orthodontics

Invisalign is an Orthodontic system that aligns your teeth with a series of clear aligners. It is a custom made appliance that is generated from a prescription from your Orthodontist along with the submission of your intra oral ‘Itero’ scan and clinical records.  
