Blog — orthodontic treatment


What’s the best way to clean your retainer? 0


Oral hygiene is a very important part of your morning and night-time routine. Whether you have a retainer or braces, you should make sure to maintain a good method in order to keep everything squeaky-clean. So in this blog, we will discuss the right and wrong methods needed to keep your retainer clean!

Price List of Teeth Straightening Options 0


If you are exploring the options of orthodontic treatment to improve your bite or straighten your teeth, why not book a complimentary consultation today!

What are Hidden Braces? 0

Hidden braces

Do you want straight teeth and no one to know you have braces?  Hidden braces are the answer for you.

What kind of bite do you have: Underbite or Overbite? 0

Teeth Bite | Manchester Orthodontics

 While you may think that every bite is the same, having a misaligned jaw is actually quite common. You can usually tell when your top and bottom teeth don’t meet in the middle when you bite down. This is called an overbite or underbite.

Everything You need to Know about Retainers 0

Teeth Retainers | Manchester Orthodontics

So let’s say you’ve had your braces on for 2 years, and they’re finally coming off. You’re super excited to have perfect, straight teeth and you can’t wait to show them all off to all your friends. The only problem is, they might not stay like forever as they can move with age. But, thanks to retainers, you can actually keep them straighter for longer.
