Retainers: Getting in the Habit


It is natural that you should be looking forward to the results of your teeth straightening treatment, after all, you may have waited months or even years to get the smile you’ve always wanted.  It is important to remember though, that however long your treatment has taken, it doesn’t end when the braces are removed.  In virtually all cases of teeth straightening, the patient will need to wear a retainer afterwards.  If you don’t wear the retainer, your teeth will most likely become crooked again, so it’s a good idea to get in the habit now.

wearing retainers | Manchester Orthodontics

If you’re considering having your teeth straightened

Now’s the time to evaluate not only your input in terms of wearing a brace and the extra care you will need to take in your oral health routine over the course of your treatment, but also wearing a retainer afterwards.  You should really only proceed with the treatment if you are happy to wear the retainer to keep the desired results after your treatment has finished.


If you’re just about to start treatment

Thinking of your treatment as a lifestyle change rather than a short-term treatment may be more beneficial as that way you will be as committed to remembering to wear your retainer after treatment as you are to looking after your teeth and gums during it.

If you are coming to the end of your teeth straightening treatment

Congratulations on reaching the end of your treatment, you will shortly be able to see the visible results of wearing a brace to correct your crooked, gapped or misaligned teeth.  Well done on maintaining a good oral health routine throughout your treatment but please remember it doesn’t stop here.  Once your braces are removed we will advise you to wear a retainer, this is because:

  • Your teeth will want to naturally move back into their original position
  • As we get older our teeth move anyway, so you may experience some crowding or crookedness unless you wear your retainer to retain the current shape of your smile

The good news is that the longer you wear your retainers for, the longer you can keep your teeth straight!

Wearing retainers | Manchester Orthodontics

Wearing retainers

Retainers can either be fixed to your teeth or removable – depending on your own individual circumstances.  If you have a removable retainer, then you will be advised to not eat or drink whilst wearing it and if you have a fixed retainer fitted you may need to take extra care when brushing your teeth and gums – though you will be fully accustomed to this following your braces treatment!

We’ll give you all the advice you need on wearing your retainers and keeping your teeth straight, happy and healthy, but if you have any questions during or after your treatment please call the Northenden House team on 0161 998 2622, email us with your enquiry or ask at your next appointment.


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  • Mohammad Malik
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