

What should I do if my retainer breaks? 0

Teeth Retainer | Northenden House Orthodontics

It’s important that you wear either a fixed bonded retainer or removable Essix or Hawley retainer immediately after your braces are removed. This will ensure that your teeth stay in their new straight position. Your teeth will be constantly moving so you’ll need to find a way to prevent a relapse. As you should wear your retainer every day, if you break or lose a retainer you will need to make sure you contact your Orthodontist ASAP to have it repaired or a new appliance made. 

Ceramic braces: Pros and cons 1

Ceramic Braces Pros and Cons | Northenden House Orthodontics

Ceramic braces are one of the Orthodontic treatments that we have available here at Northenden House. Our chosen brand is Clarity™ tooth-coloured braces. They are hidden braces that work in a similar way to metal braces. However, instead of being metal, their brackets are tooth-coloured. 

6 Things to avoid while wearing braces 0

Things To Avoid With Braces | Northenden House Orthodontics

When you have braces it is very important that you look after them to avoid any unnecessary visits to your Orthodontist. With this in mind, we decided to come up with a list of things we warn patients not to do when they have braces. 

How to prepare your children for braces 0

Braces For Children | Northenden House Orthodontics
Once your children have lost all of their primary ‘baby’ teeth, their dentist may recommend they start their Orthodontic treatment. Children starting brace treatment can be as young as 7 or 8. When they’re that young they may not understand why they need to have braces so it is important that, as a parent, you talk them through the process of having braces fitted and the benefits of going through treatment. 

Will Invisalign affect my speech? 0

Invisalign Braces | Effects On Speech | Northenden House Orthodontics

The Invisalign aligners are clear plastic which is why they are virtually invisible, they are also removable making it less hassle when it comes to eating and drinking. Our patients love Invisalign as they are comfortable to wear and they love how they do not have to sacrifice their diet for the treatment. 
