Braces for Complex Cases: How Orthodontists Tackle Difficult Alignments


Braces for Complex Cases

There are a whole range of issues that can be fixed by orthodontists today, from overcrowded to gappy teeth, underbite to overbite, there aren’t many cases your orthodontist won’t have treated. Some dental issues can be fixed simply with braces, others, however, require a multidisciplinary approach whereby additional dental specialists opinions are required such as restorative specialists or periodontal specialists (gum health specialists). With today’s modern advancements, it is quite possible for anybody to get the smile of their dreams.

What is Classified as a Complex Case?

To receive the best treatment possible for you, it is important to understand what your dental issue is, how it affects you, and ultimately, what you need to do or have done to correct it. Orthodontic cases can vary greatly in complexity, some examples are:

Severe Crowding

When there is not enough space for teeth to align properly, severe crowding occurs, which can lead to overlapping teeth, making cleaning and maintenance difficult.

Severe Spacing

On the flip side, excessive spacing between teeth can also be problematic. Gaps between teeth can impact both appearance and functionality.

Bite Issues

Malocclusions, or bite problems, can involve overbites, underbites, crossbites, or open bites, which can affect not only the appearance but also the functionality of the teeth and jaw.

Skeletal Irregularities

Some complex cases involve skeletal issues, such as a misaligned jaw, which require a combination of orthodontic and surgical interventions.

How Severe Dental Misalignment Can Affect Your Health.

It is possible for complex orthodontic cases to have a negative effect on both your oral and physical health. Severely misaligned teeth can affect your appearance, resulting in low self-esteem and confidence but it can increase your risk of developing bruxism (teeth grinding), cavities and TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) which is a condition that affects the movement of the jaw and can cause headaches, jaw locking, and pain around your jaw, ear, and temple.

How do Orthodontists use Braces to Tackle Complex Cases?

With extensive training and clear lines of communication between orthodontists and dentists, great advancements have been made in the complexity of cases that are able to be treated today. Ways that orthodontists can help those with severe dental issues are:

Custom Treatment Plans

By thoroughly examining, and taking x-rays and impressions, orthodontists can outline specific steps and adjustments needed to create a custom treatment plan for each patient.

Multistage Treatment

Braces remain one of the most common and effective tools in treating orthodontic issues both mild and severe. Different types of braces can be used at various stages of treatment to address specific issues effectively. Invisalign can address issues such as underbite, overbite, open bite, crossbite, and severe crowding, whereas traditional metal braces are excellent for aligning teeth, and other appliances like expanders or headgear may be incorporated to correct bite problems.

Bite Correction

For bite problems, orthodontists employ braces to align the upper and lower teeth to ensure a proper bite. This process may take time and patience, but the results often transform a patient’s quality of life.

Space Management

In cases of crowding or spacing, orthodontists use braces to gradually move teeth into their proper positions, alongside strategic use of bands and brackets. In slightly more severe cases of crowding, extraction of one or more teeth may be required. This is to create room for teeth to move into the desired position.

Regular Adjustments

In order to properly monitor more complex cases, orthodontists need to carefully monitor progress and may request more frequent adjustments, to achieve the desired outcome. 

Other Ways Orthodontists Treat More Complex Cases

There are always cases that need more attention than braces can give alone, for example:

Guiding Impacted Teeth

It is possible that impacted teeth are not able to fully erupt, remaining partially encased by bone or gum. In these cases, a surgical procedure to remove the surrounding tissue and expose the tooth would be required. 

Orthognathic Surgery

In very severe cases, orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, may be required. This involves a combination of surgery and treatment whereby severe jaw discrepancies are corrected, improving oral function, facial and dental appearance, and the patient’s quality of life. Patients undergoing orthognathic surgery require complex interdisciplinary care, which is why at Northenden House Orthodontics, expert orthodontist in Manchester, we ensure close liaison between highly trained and experienced clinicians. All our consultants are trained and regularly undertake this type of work. 

Northenden House Orthodontics: Your Specialist Orthodontist in Manchester.

Transforming more complex dental issues can be challenging but at Northenden House Orthodontics, we are a specialist orthodontist in Manchester, who can help with a variety of dental problems from overcrowding to bite malfunctions, Invisalign to guiding tooth impaction.

Whatever your dental problem, your local, expert orthodontist in Manchester can help. All our specialists have undergone extensive training in orthodontics and utilise the latest technological advances, including treatments and digital imaging, to ensure that you receive the most effective care possible.

Contact us today to book your consultation.

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  • Mohammad Malik
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